Submission Details

‘afterwords’ welcomes the submission of papers that meet the general criteria of significance and theoretical excellence from students. Authors are requested to emphasize on novel theoretical paradigms and issues against the backdrop of proper objectification of suitable primary materials and documents. The papers should not be published in parts or whole or accepted for publication elsewhere.

The papers will be subjected to blind peer review. Decisions of our esteemed reviewers regarding the selection of papers will be binding. Authors are requested to strictly follow the submission guidelines mentioned herewith in preparing their papers. Only electronic submission via email will be accepted for publication.

Guidelines for Submission

Authors are requested to strictly follow the below mentioned submission guidelines:

  • Manuscript must be written in English language
  • File must be in Microsoft Word format. (Preferably Word 2007)
  • Paper size: A4, Font & size: Times New Roman 12, whereas the title must be in 14 point size, bold.
  • Spacing: One and a half, Margin: 1 inch on all four sides.
  • Word – limit: Minimum: 2500 Maximum: 5000 words
  • Only those papers will be granted for review which are not published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
  • The authors will have to strictly follow MLA 7th or later editions in preparing their papers.
  • Authors are requested to use endnote instead of footnote.
  • Authors cannot use their names anywhere in the manuscript except in the title page. Please mention the details of your institutional affiliation after your name, on the title page.
  • All manuscripts must include a maximum 250 words abstract, next to the title page.
  • Add about 4 to 5 keywords one line below the abstract.
  • Each manuscript must carry a duly signed declaration that it is an original work and has not been published anywhere else for publication, and a brief bio-note of 150 words of the respective author’s name, postal address, designation, affiliation, specialization, mail-id, contact no. etc) towards the end of the paper. Do not send your bio-note in a separate file.
  • The papers submitted should evince serious academic work contributing to new knowledge and innovative critical perspectives on the subject explored.
  • Authors are to follow the strict ethics of writing scholarly papers and be aware of plagiarism.
  • Authors are requested to submit their manuscript to The order of the content must be as per the following sequence:

Title page with the author’s name and institutional details

1) Abstract and Keywords

2) Main body of the text

3) End note (if needed)

4) References

5) Declaration and Bio-note

Articles are invited for the 2nd edition of Afterwords